Learning You (Salah Satu Tips Interview Kerja :3)


Yeah, learning you. Learning yourself.

Buat gw, the process of knowing yourself is one of the most difficult thing in my entire life.

Rasanya susah untuk mengenal diri kita lebih dalam. Apalagi, kalo kita udah ngerasa okay for a really long time. It does not mean we are perfect in every sense, tapi, at least, nggak ada orang yang complain tentang diri kita ato kita gak pernah lihat orang merasa terganggu karena kita.

Alasan lain, emang karena lebih enak aja ngeobserve orang lain. Mungkin, karena naturenya manusia yang mostly judgemental, lol. Kayaknya gampang banget point out strength and even flaws orang lain. Pas kita dikasih kaca, malah mikir, apa ya, yang harus gw benerin?

Most of the times, kita terlalu fokus sama orang lain, diri sendiri malah ditelantarin.

Gw pernah baca disalah satu buku (yang gw lupa apa judulnya, hahaha) kalo kita bakal jadi master of ourselves and be the master of the life kalo kita udah kenal betul sama diri kita.

Kalo dipikir-pikir, bener juga, sih.

Contohnya aja, deh, yang jadi masalah most of the people in this cruel world, knowing your passion.

Knowing your passion, apa yang kita suka, itu penting banget. At least, kita tau apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mendalami si passion itu. Mungkin kita bisa ikut kursus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan, atau daftar ke universitas yang ada jurusan yang kita impi-impikan, atau ikut ekstrakulikuler to channel your passion. Bisa aja, passion kita ini yang memberi kita sesuap nasi dan seonggok berlian dimasa depan, hahaha. Gak harus jadi pekerjaan, kalo memang prospek pekerjaan yang related sama passion kita ini tidak terlalu cerah, kita tetep bisa mendalami passion ini sebagai hobi. Si hobi inilah yang jadi escape ketika we feel so worn out by our work or daily life.

Another example is knowing your strength and weakness.

I swear, this shit is another big task i have to complete ASAP.

Selain penting karena strength dan weakness bakal ditanyain saat interview magang ato pekerjaan, hal ini juga penting untuk fixing yourself and enhancing yourself.

Baca lebih lanjut

Rejection and Self – Worth

Hey, another post! Weird?

Yup, so today, i found out that i didnt pass to the next step of the intern recruitment. Sure, i would be lying if i say i didnt feel disappointed, i do feel disappointed.

By myself.

I mean, all the blame on me.

I was the fool who didnt prepare so much. Well, all i can say is that i actually didnt know what to do since it is the first time ever in my life that i have a job interview. I was more like.. shocked and as usual, my brain reacted so slo-ooo-oow-ly.

But, the bad side of me suddenly came into the stage and started saying things to my head.

Which leads me to question my self worth.

I’ve been thinking, is this rejection means that im not worthy to be invested in? Am i that bad? Did all the things i did to improve myself are useless? Am i not trying hard enough?

It made me think what is wrong with myself?

Is it normal to have that kind of questions?

Is it okay?

Am i okay?